Tuesday, July 23, 2013

DIY How to Stencil Fabric

After I got rid of a perfectly fine HP OfficeJet printer, I realized I was using it for photo transfers, and now I had no way of doing that. Who needs printer paper when you can make your own stencils for T shirts and clothes?

1. Print out your digital design. Sometimes I reinforced the paper with with contact paper so the stencil would be sturdy. Do this if you're planning to reuse the stencil.
2. Cut out the negative space where you want to paint. Use a sharp craft knife.
3. Affix stencil to item. I used adhesive spray to get the paper to make strong contact with the fabric.
4. Use fabric paint or a latex or acrylic paint to paint your fabric item.

a cycling jersey

use two paints for a gradient effect

secure the stencil on the fabric well

T shirts stencils

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